In today's conventional healthcare, with your typical office visit, your symptoms are heard and the prescription pad is pulled out and a script is written for a drug which will most likely only deal with the symptoms.
Off course, I am going to listen to and explore those specific symptoms. But if I get too focused only on your symptoms or your label (diagnosis), then I miss the big picture. And the big picture is everything is connected. Your Brain, Your Hormone, Your Gut, Your Immune system...... It really all matters. Therefore, a health care practitioner needs to address the whole person and recognize that every part of your body is really connected. Proper function is the key factor for optimal health. I will evaluate your fundamental part of body function: the function of the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and digestive system to a few. Your lifestyle, diet habit, stress level, sleep quality, exercise regime.
Off course, I am going to listen to and explore those specific symptoms. But if I get too focused only on your symptoms or your label (diagnosis), then I miss the big picture. And the big picture is everything is connected. Your Brain, Your Hormone, Your Gut, Your Immune system...... It really all matters. Therefore, a health care practitioner needs to address the whole person and recognize that every part of your body is really connected. Proper function is the key factor for optimal health. I will evaluate your fundamental part of body function: the function of the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and digestive system to a few. Your lifestyle, diet habit, stress level, sleep quality, exercise regime.
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